Impermanent and itinerant, “Cordées” are anchored in different environments in an ever-changing manner.

Alice Pandolfo lives and works in Brussels. After studying traditional weaving techniques in Paris, she turned to a more sculptural practice of soft materials at La Cambre school in Brussels. This composite city pushes her to cross her interests for textile, sculpture and itinerant installation. Her research brings to life, in a pictorial way, the memories of the territories she invests through the use of broken, forgotten or obsolete objects. Her sculptures, tinged with anachronism, convey her attachment to craftsmanship, her fascination for manufactured objects and her questioning of the interstices that exist between time and space.

She is laureate of her Master’s degree in textile design with the project “Cordée” in 2020, which was then rewarded by the prize in memory of the industrialist Jean-Louis Dupont. Her independent and curious character allowed her to hold several exhibitions during her first years of study at La Cambre. Her master’s project was presented in Paris for the Labo Démo#2 selection of the Centre Wallonie Bruxelles. Among other places her work has been exhibited many times in Brussels but also in Paris, in Berlin and in the north of Brazil. At the end of her studies, Alice founded and now co-directs Triphasé, a 900sqm artist run space located in the center of Brussels with her friend and fellow artist Antoinette d’Ansembourg. This emerging project provides a dozen workshops for artists with heterogeneous practices. In parallel, she coordinates the programming and curatorial direction of Triphasé’s exhibitions and residencies.

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Twisted signs of life Alice Pandolfo

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