The art gallery Base Window is proud to present an exhibition dedicated to Christian Floquet, a key figure in contemporary Swiss art. Rooted in a tradition of abstraction while remaining profoundly innovative, Floquet’s work can be situated in the lineage of explorations by figures such as Theo van Doesburg or Olivier Mosset, while establishing a unique dialogue with contemporary currents. His compositions are distinguished by a masterful tension between rigorous geometry and instinctive gesturality, a dichotomy that recalls the dialectical tensions explored by modernist abstraction.

The exhibition’s display reveals an unprecedented approach, developed in collaboration with the gallery and inspired by 19th-century presentation principles, as exemplified by the abundant hangings of Parisian Salons or collectors’ cabinets. This curatorial choice renews the perspective on Floquet’s works, encouraging a fragmented and polysemic appreciation. Through an arrangement evocative of a puzzle, the works interact in a complex interplay of affinities and contrasts, echoing the associative methods dear to Aby Warburg in his Mnemosyne Atlas.

Like the artists who have shaped the history of abstraction, Floquet crafts a poetics of form where the perception of space lies at the heart of the artistic experience. His chromatic and architectural compositions seem to question the notion of balance while asserting a distinctly contemporary pictorial autonomy.